Making Space - regenerative scenario of street and node transformation in Zürich

Making of Badenerstrasse

Vision of a road transformation for the future bike city of Zurich. The trasformation principle creates a green network of high capacity bicycle lanes that connect different parts of the city. The trees cool the street temperatures in summer, promote biodiversity and give shelter also in case of rain. Slow speed crossing points allow the intersection of public transports and bicycles lanes with a reduced motorised private transport. The crossing point are designed to be as small as possible, following the shapes of the minimum turning curve while creating space for special parking area for delivery vehicles.

Badenerstrasse, formerly also Badener Landstrasse, is an approximately five-kilometer-long road in the west of Zurich. Nowadays this corridor stands as a testament to the life and activity that has always characterized it. It continues to be one of the most dynamic arteries, bringing energy, commerce, and the ebb and flow of daily life. Yet, despite its inherent vibrancy, the actual spatial quality and design of this area leave much to be desired. Bicycle enthusiasts and daily commuters alike find it challenging to navigate the area, given the interruption of the bike lanes. These discontinuous paths not only disrupt the flow of bicycle traffic but also present safety concerns.

test planning in collaboration with the research "E-Bike-City: Designing sustainable streets initiative (D-BAUG)" part of DAS ETH in spatial planning 2023 Referent: Prof. Dr. Kay W. Axhausen / traffic and transport planning with Clarissa Livingston

Autor: Alessio De Gottardi


Bemerkung des Fachteams Verkehrsplanung: Falls die Badenerstrasse zur Einbahnstrasse für den MIV wird, gäbe es mehr Spielraum für den Strassenquerschnitt und der Albisriederplatz könnte vollständig neu gedacht werden. Die Situation der Fussgänger*innen wird weitgehend ausgeblendet, für tolle Lösungen für das Velo. Es fehlen detaillierte Erläuterungen und konkrete bzw. kurzfristig umsetzbare Ansätze.

Plan Making Space